Meet Julie

I used to be a country girl running barefoot and chasing cows, but my nose for adventure has brought me to where I am today. I have over ten years of graphic design experience and more than six years of UX and UI design. My clients range from the federal sector to global charities to cybersecurity companies. I'm still trying to figure out how I went from tubing down the Comal river in Texas to creating ads for Jane Fonda in Washington, DC., but hey it's been a pretty fun ride.

My professional journey has been kind of funny. Growing up, I wanted to be an artist, a writer, or something involving the Spanish language, but I was too afraid to become a penniless artist who speaks Spanish like Peggy Hill so I majored in Communication Design instead. At Texas State University, my least favorite class was Web Design. I thought websites were stupid, web design was stupid, and creating a five page site was near impossible. Several years later, I reconnected with my professor and told him, "Can you believe it? I design websites now! Go ahead and eat that hat."

When I'm not sketching and kerning, you may find me at the nearest arcade blowing all my quarters on pinball. Or you may not find me at all because I'm rappelling down a mountain with no cell signal. Just the way I like it... working digitally and living curiously. 
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