• Previous system was not strong enough to handle large volume of jobs
• Difficult for users to access different projects and project assets
• Streamline creation, access, and closing of jobs
• Consolidate all job files and assets for easy access by users
The user's main priority is the projects that they are attached to so it makes the most sense to have My Jobs as their default Home page.

The jobs can be viewed in order by name, type, or status, with their linked resources in the right-hand column.
The next tab contains all clients within the system. This section is helpful in that most users will eventually need to access files and individual jobs associated with any client.

Each client may contain multiple jobs.
Users may easily and quickly create a new client as needed with the "+New Client" button in the upper right.
The Jobs tab shows all jobs within the system, each with their own unique code and various assets associated with them.
Users can also quickly create a new job with the "+New Job" button in the upper right corner.

Dropdown menus ensure streamlined job codes, names, and statuses. Users can also easily add staff members to the job with auto-fill names from the company directory.
The Resources tab holds all general information for all users. They are organized by cards, and each card may expand to reveal quick information and links to different resources. 

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