• Promote and spread awareness for the preservation of Red Rocks Park
• Attract potential new members to the Sierra Club
This was a dream project because there was so much beautiful content for me to pull from . My color palette was almost already chosen for me just based on the subject matter itself with the rich reds and lush greens of the national park.

I wanted the user to take a journey while scrolling down the page with the subtle background imagery softly animating in and showcasing a parallax effect as the user moves through the content.

I also added a subtle rock texture to the bold display headlines, and I think this little detail really emphasizes the majesty of Red Rocks and hopefully influences users to participate in preserving the park.
The client was extremely happy with the finished product. It was one of my smoothest projects, and I truly believe it is because I had a genuinely strong interest in the subject and goal so I fully dove deep into giving users the experience I feel when I visit national parks such as Red Rocks.

It breaks my heart that I can't visit the site anymore as they only ran it during the 2018 midterm election cycle. However, it still remains one of the highlights of my career and fondest memory.

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