• Spread awareness of the impact that carbon emissions have on our air quality.
• Increase signups and attract new supporters
Prior to this project, I was already familiar with the NRDC as an organization and admired their very solid brand identity. I always regarded their work and branding very highly so this project was a sheer joy to work on and be a part of.
I wanted the quiz to present like a game so I took inspiration from gaming UI. The entire screen presents as one single question along with its answer choices. All content is visible above the fold.
I used bright, high contrast colors from NRDC's brand book and simple shapes to give a friendly feel and encourage users to participate. 
As with most cases, clean and simple is usually the best route to take. I chose an obvious red to indicate an incorrect answer, and a simple green to indicate correct.
I applied the same principles to the mobile version as well, however only the initial question and answer choices are fully contained on the screen above the fold. Due to the amount of content once a selection has been made, the mobile version does require scrolling to view the reveal the expanded information.
Some questions have different number of answer choices so I created different layouts to accommodate.
I had a wonderful time building this online quiz for the NRDC. It was a pleasure to build something from an already existing, wondefully solid brand with excellent design elements to pull from. I am extremely happy with how it turned out, and the client was very pleased as well. This online quiz can still be viewed and experienced at the link below.

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